From the CEO’s Desk
Hello, my name is Matt Jennings and I am the Chief Executive Officer of Quest Federal Credit Union.
As you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes to our daily lives. I am happy to update this article from March with the announcement that as of Wednesday, May 27th Quest has reopened our lobbies to our membership. We will allow members to enter the lobby and you may wear masks at your discretion. As you can imagine, this is never allowed under normal circumstances, for obvious security reasons, but for the safety of our members and our staff, we feel we can make this concession for a period of time to protect all involved. Please note that if you wear your mask into the lobby, we will ask you to remove hats, hoods and sunglasses so we can more easily identify you. During your transaction, we ask that you show us your full face or provide photo identification. Due to State guidelines, we can only permit a defined number of members in the lobby at any one time based on a square footage calculation. Each office is different so we ask for your patience and will thank you in advance as we permit members in and out of the office and uphold the expectation of social distancing.
Our drive thru remains full service for the time being so if our members are most comfortable doing business without entering the lobby. ATM’s will be maintained, fully stocked and available 24/7 at our branch locations and you can visit our website to see other offsite ATM locations. Our online banking and mobile app are always available and easy to use. If you need help or instruction on either digital service, do not hesitate to call and ask and we will be glad to help. The loan department will remain open and the loan staff is available to speak with you over the phone regarding your lending and payment needs. We will be accepting loan appointments but we ask that you call ahead to set a time to come in, again to help with the foot traffic flow in our lobbies. Thankfully, we launched e-signature for our loans several years ago and will maintain the ability to deliver loan documents and funding to our member/owners. Debit and Credit cards are of course a great option for your spending needs. Again, we thank you in advance for your cooperation during these unusual and difficult times.
On the financial side, 2020 continues to be above expectations and our financial performance remains strong. We are currently holding $135m in assets, loans are on pace to surpass 10% growth for the year, membership growth is very strong and delinquency is holding steady at 0.83% which is at or below peer average. Quest remains strong and confident in our financial performance year to date and most recently, received notification that our Bauer 5 Star rating was renewed for another quarter. This marks 59 consecutive quarters with the highest ranking that Bauer awards. Let me be the first to say congratulations and thank you to our member/owners for making this incredibly strong rating possible!
In closing, thank you for your patronage. The Board of Directors and Staff would like to wish you all the best as our doors and our broader economy begin to reopen. Stay safe, take care of family, neighbors, friends and yourselves. Thank you and I welcome any comments, suggestions or questions from our member/owners. I can be reached by calling the Main Office or via email at Thank you for your loyal patronage to Quest and I challenge you to Explore the Possibilities!
Matt Jennings, Chief Executive Officer
Matthew Jennings, CEO
Quest Federal Credit Union